Sunday, February 23, 2025

NoMachine zieht Freigabe von NX 2.0 unter der GPL zurück

Folgende E-Mail lag heute morgen bei mir im Postfach:

—–Ursprüngliche Nachricht—–
Von: Sarah Dryell []
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 21. Juni 2006 15:19
An: undisclosed-recipients
Betreff: NX 2.0 Release

Dear Partners,

if all goes well NX 2.0 will be out shortly. Please check our website to read the what is available and what has been fixed. The PR will be linkable from the home page.

There are some points that have to be mentioned that will be useful to know for NoMachine customers:

1) NX Small Business Server which offers 10 sessions can only be purchased on request. Customers have the option to either contact authorized partners or the NoMachine Sales Team. This is basically to monitor who our Small Business customers are and whether they are indeed Small Business. Once their application has been positively evaluated, they are sent a username and password to proceed with the purchase.

The same procedure, in terms of evaluating who the enduser is, will apply for purchases via partners.

2) The NX Desktop Server will be free and will be perpetual software. The other products will be available as evaluation software. After the usual 30 days, evaluators will either have to download a new evaluation or purchase a subscription.

3) There is no need for evaluation registration now. The evaluation license file is shipped with the software. Note, that you must completely -uninstall- everything to be able to install version 2.0.

4) Customers with valid support subscriptions will be offered new subscription keys on request and will be contacted by our Sales Team.

5) After much discussion, we have decided not to release the closed components under GPL. We hope to release an article explaining our reasons as soon as we can.

Dies steht in krassem Widerspruch zu früheren Aussagen, vor gerade mal einem Monat war noch angekündigt worden, dass NX zukünftig vollständig unter der GPL stehen würde und NoMachine nur noch über Supportleistungen Geld verdienen will. Vielleicht hat die Kundenbasi dann doch nicht ausgereicht, ich bin jedenfalls schon gespannt auf die Gründe und stufe die Zuverlässigkeit von NoMachine bis auf weiteres noch einen Punkt nach unten, das kann auch die freie Verfügbarkeit des Desktop Servers (zwei User gleichzeitig) nicht ändern. Dafür kann ich auch problemlos FreeNX nehmen.

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